General Disclaimer

In using or any other Active Duty Passive Income LLC (“ADPI”) service, product, or resource (collectively, the “Platform”), you agree that (i) the Platform is offered solely for informational and educational purposes; and (ii) that nothing on the Platform constitutes tax, legal, investment or financial advice. ADPI recommends that you seek the advice of qualified tax, legal, investment, and financial professionals before making any type of investment, including but not limited to purchasing or investing in real estate. Any discussion, analysis, or coverage of any real estate purchase, calculation, or investment may not reflect your actual return on your own real estate purchase or investment, and there is no guarantee that any discussion, analysis, or coverage will work for or apply to you. Any involvement in real estate can result in risk and partial or total loss. You agree that all content on the Platform is provided “AS IS”, and ADPI is not responsible for any purchase, sale, or investment that you may make. For more on this, see the Terms of Use (insert hyperlink to the Terms of Use).

FTC Affiliate Link Disclaimer

“Affiliate Link Disclosure: This may contain affiliate links. If you use an affiliate link to purchase or use a service or product, ADPI may receive a small commission, at no additional cost to you. ADPI only links to services and products that ADPI would use itself.”